Dear Park Shore Association Members:

It is great to see so many families down for the holidays, walking in the neighborhood and enjoying this nice weather.  What a delight it is to see this joyful spirit in our Park Shore community!

A well visited site in the neighborhood is of course the beach and our beach park.  As previously communicated to our membership, after spending tens of thousands of dollars to clean up after Hurricanes Ian and Helene, the Park Shore Association Board of Directors felt that a resiliency and sustainability plan was more prudent for our beach park.

With that, the Board of Directors approved a new landscape plan that will engineer the newly created sand berm for better storm protection.  These plans require City of Naples approval, which are being addressed at this time.  (See landscape drawing below.)

Park Shore Berm

The project schedule including permitting and construction is expected to occur over the next several months. If all goes well, the project is expected to be completed before the summertime. In the meanwhile, temporary sidewalk access from the park to the beach through the sand berm has been created.

These Park Shore Association plans are moving forward while talks are ongoing with the entities that own the beachfront promenade sidewalk and beach areas to the south of the Regent. These entities are considering a plan to elevate the beachfront promenade sidewalk in continuation with the promenade berm which currently exists on the north side of the Regent in Park Shore.

In a best-case scenario, the promenade project will be completed by the end of 2025, however a more realistic timeline is expected sometime in 2026. If that project moves forward, it is the intent to complete further measures down the road to have our beach park better connect with the promenade berm for better storm protection and resiliency. But for now, the Park Shore Association is moving forward with its own resiliency and sustainability plan.

Though there is much work to be done at our beach park, there is much to enjoy in Park Shore. We trust that you will continue to have a joyous holiday season and a very wonderful new year!

Michelle McLeod, MBA
Park Shore Association President
Cell: 239-216-0403