Did you know that we have a nesting pair of bald eagles adding to the array of magnificent wildlife in Park Shore? While the actual nest is just outside of Park Shore on the border of Seagate, they spend much of their time each day hunting and fishing directly in Park Shore. They can often be seen on Venetian Bay or Devils Lake, perched in palm trees or on the rooftops of surrounding buildings.
In May, one of our residents witnessed one of the eagles in distress, swimming in Venetian Bay and unable to get out of the water due to a shoulder injury. Her fledgling was in a nearby palm tree watching the drama unfold. Rescue was finally mounted with assistance from beach patrol officers who were able to capture the eagle and take it to the Conservancy of Southwest Florida and its Von Arx Wildlife Hospital for evaluation and treatment. Without this intervention, the eagle would not have survived.
Two weeks later the eagle was released back in Park Shore and in subsequent days was seen reunited with her mate and the fledgling. What a thrill it was to see her soaring above Park Shore again! Thank you to this alert and caring resident who sounded the alarm. The Conservancy of Southwest Florida is a wonderful resource to anyone who finds an injured or orphaned animal. Its emergency number is 239-262-2273.
Park Shore is fortunate to have this successful eagle pair in our midst. Prime viewing time for this pair is November through May when the nest is active and there is a lot of activity to support a new eaglet. Look up!