Exactly ten (10) years ago, a dedicated group of board members of the Park Shore Association (PSA) and the Gulf Shore Association of Condominiums (GSAC) formed The Park Shore Fund, to raise money to beautify the Park Shore neighborhood. Its focus was projects that were outside the scope of the City of Naples budget. With the generous support of residents like you, The Park Shore Fund has raised and invested $340,000 on trees, plantings, and public art installations.
See the time line below to see what has been accomplished.
The Park Shore Fund Ten (10) Year Time-Line
2015 Enhanced the entry to Park Shore at Park Shore Drive/US41
2016-2017 Coconut palms and plantings added at Park Shore Drive/Crayton Road
2018 New Mahogony trees added on Crayton Road
2019 New Coconut Palms added at Park Shore Drive/Crayton Rd
2020-2021 Enhanced landscaping at Seagate Drive/Crayton Rd
2022 Enhanced landscaping added at Neapolitan Way/Belair Lane
2023 David Turner “Taking Flight” sculpture installed at Park Shore Drive/US41
2024 “Raymond Lutgert” sculpture on Gulf Shore Boulevard North
The next project, hopefully to be completed in 2025, will be a sculpture by Detroit artist Herbert Babcock to be called “Traveler”, depicting the various forms of movement along the Boulevard. “Traveler” will be installed on the grassy area just north of Ardisonne at 4400 Gulf Shore Boulevard North, along the sidewalk which parallels Venetian Bay.
Imagined view of ”Traveler” just north of Ardisonne at 4400 GSBN
The Park Shore Fund is a “fund” within the Collier Community Foundation and all donations to The Park Shore Fund are tax-deductible as allowed by law. The final stretch of the fundraising for the Babcock sculpture is underway. The total project cost is $80,000. The Park Shore Fund has raised $40,000 leaving a gap of just $40,000 needed before the project can get underway. You will soon receive a letter from The Park Shore Fund about this latest project. However, if you wish to donate now, you can mail a check to the Collier Community Foundation, Att: The Park Shore Fund, 1110 Pine Ridge Road, Suite 200, Naples FL 34108 or donate on-line: www.colliercf.org and select The Park Shore Fund. With your help, “Traveler” will join the Lutgert sculpture installed last year. In future years, The Park Shore Fund hopes to create an “art walk” along Gulf Shore Boulevard North for all Park Shore, City residents and visitors to enjoy.
More pictures:
Enhanced Landscaping at Park Shore Drive and Crayton Road- Planted 2016-2017
Neapolitan Way at Belair – Planted 2022
Unveiling of David Turner “Taking Flight” sculpture at Park Shore Drive and US 41 on 2/11/23
Raymond L. Lutgert sculpture at 4450 Gulf Shore Boulevard North Installed 2024